Chemical constituents and antibacterial activity from the fruits of Ficus sur Forssk

Abstract Background: Ficus sur Forssk is used in traditional African medicine in the treatment of skin diseases, epilepsy, jaundice, pain, inflammation, anemia, sexually transmitted diseases, and diarrhea. We described here the chemical study and antibacterial properties of F. sur ethanol extract. Methods: Separation and isolation of compounds were performed using common chromatographic methods. The structures of compounds were determined by spectrometric and spectroscopic analyses includ...

Antifungal activity of endophytic Fusarium oxysporum from Cola acuminata against Candida albicans isolates from HIV-infected patients

Abstract Background: The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection has exacerbated the occurrence of opportunistic diseases with Candida infection being the most prominent. Unfortunately, the growing ineffectiveness of the available antifungal drugs along with the emergence of new multi-resistant strains further worsen the matter. In the search for new active molecules, the present study aims at investigating the optimal growth conditions for the production of antifungal metabolites from ...